Thursday, August 31, 2006

Free at last! Free at last!

Well, it's done. I have officially delivered the manuscript for THRILL-POWER OVERLOAD. Must admit, I pine for the days when I used to print out two copies of my latest tome and get a black cab across London to the publisher's office to hand in the book. Pressing SEND doesn't have quite the same quality of triumph and majesty, but such is life. The manuscript came in at 119,557 words after some cutting and polishing, so bang on for my 120,000 target. Many thanks are due to Alan Barnes and Steve Holland who read through the first draft and offered no end of helpful suggestions, corrections and notes. That's all I've been doing for the last three days, turning my 122,000 word draft into the finished manuscript.

of course, how finished it is remains to be seen. Editor Jonathan Oliver has to read the damned thing now and offer his comments. I'm still vaguely hopeful one or two people will still get back to me with their thoughts and recollections about certain events, such as Fleetway Film and Television. It's not the end of the world if they don't, but it would give the extra sheen of authority to the endeavour. the script-writing team of Dows and Clayton were last to sneak in, sending me their comments about Bison and Synnamon with about two hours to spare.

Not sure how often I'll be updating this blog from now on - certainly not most days as has been the case for the past month. I've got other projects on which I need to focus, so TPO will be a Somebody Else's Problem for the most part. But I will pop back in here every now and then, to chart the book's progress from manuscript to publication. In the meantime, below is the dedication I've suggested for the book.
This book is dedicated to the millions
of 2000 AD readers who have enjoyed the
comic since 1977 - without them, it would
not exist; and to the memory of letterer
Tom Frame – rest in peace, Tom.


Blogger Mr Maskrado said...

I can hardly wait to see the finished product. Is it going to be published BY 2000AD? (I ask 'cause the Mega-History and the A-Z weren't.) Black Flame going to continue the 2000AD novels? I have all the Nikolai Dante and Fiends of the Eastern Front books (heard they're good--looking forward to reading those, too).

10:05 PM  
Blogger DAVID BISHOP said...

Yes, TPO will be published by Rebellion. Black Flame has commissioned me to write another novel for them - I start that in October for publication later next year. In the menatime they are pushing out omnibus editions of their back catalogue...

1:05 AM  

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